Inndoor PMS Sample Reports

Guest Tax Invoice

Easy to understand printed folios with all itemized with their tax and total charges. Any non print items are hidden by default but can be displayed if desired

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Folio Report – All Credit Details

This report list all credit transactions grouped by types with a summary total for each group for any reporting date range. The user can specify any reporting start date and end date.

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Folio Report – All Debits Details

This report list all debit transactions grouped by types with a summary total for each group for any reporting date range.

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Folio Report – All Transactions Details

This report all transactions conducted for any reporting date range.

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Folio Report – All Transactions Summary Totals

This report gives the summary totals of all transactions grouped by transaction codes type for any reporting date range.

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Folio Report – Transactions by GL Account code

This report list all transactions and its summary for a specified GL Account or GL Accounts in any specified reporting date range.

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Folio  Report – Transactions by Transaction code

This report list all transactions and its summary for a specified transaction code or all transaction codes in any specified reporting date range.

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